Friday, October 31, 2014

Spencer's new kitty!

Spencer found a stray cat last weekend. He named the kitty "Sky" because, in his own words, "I could see the sky when I found her." The kitty was extremely hungry and needs to gain some weight. She is very affectionate and enjoys cuddling with Spencer the most. Spencer was troubled to think that someone would abandon a kitty, but I assured him that even though we don't have the answers, there is probably a reasonable explanation. Also, what matters is that he loves the kitty and will take care of her forever. (Actually, it turns out that the kitty is male.)

And not wanting to break with tradition, Spencer says he will not wear a Halloween costume tonight. He likes discussing costumes and wearing them at other times of the year, but he won't wear them in conjunction with any Halloween celebration of any type. That's our boy! :)