Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Spencer's trip to Disney World

Spencer enjoyed a recent trip to Walt Disney World. We went to the Magic Kingdom so that Spencer could have his first haircut at the Harmony Barber Shop on Main Street U.S.A. While waiting in line, Daisy Duck suddenly appeared outside! Spencer was pleased to make her acquaintance as you can see from the photo. You also can see how long and somewhat curly his hair was getting. The hairdresser covered him with Mickey Mouse stickers before cutting his locks. She mixed his hair with pixie dust and put it in a small bag as a keepsake. He also received a certificate and a small pair of mouse ears with "First Haircut" on the back. Spencer's sporting his new haircut in the family photo in front of the Christmas tree. He looks like such a big boy now! And very handsome, too!!! He definitely has the genes for good looks. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Spencer is such a big boy!

Spencer is getting bigger, more active and curious! He started walking in September and he really has the hang of it now. He enjoyed trick-or-treating at Halloween. Last week he was teething again with a few more chompers coming in on top. His hobbies are: turning the TV off (particularly if someone seems to be enjoying a program), flushing the toilet and removing people's sunglasses. His favorite foods are French bread, mushrooms, asparagus tips and gingerbread. He has moved on to cow's milk and refuses baby food and formula. He uses a "big boy" sippy cup. We are very proud of his progress! But where did our tiny baby go?!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spencer's birthday party

Here are some photos from Spencer's birthday party in Pennsylvania. He had an Elmo-theme birthday cake and Elmo even made a special appearance at the party! A magician performed as well. It was a very special day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy birthday, Spencer!

In our family, it is a tradition to have your photo taken on your first birthday. So Spencer was no exception. Spencer was a natural in front of the camera. There were a few challenging moments (particularly when he was posing on his back), but overall, he was easier to handle than his sisters. Spencer had a lovely birthday party with about 40 people in attendance -- plus a furry red monster from Sesame Street. Yes, that's right, Elmo accepted our invitation! He came to the party, danced, led some games and acted as a magician's assistant. A good time was had by all, just as Spencer is loved by all. (I think it is those blue eyes that make even strangers melt.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Approaching age 1

This photo was used on Spencer's birthday party invitations. He'll be celebrating his first birthday in Pennsylvania with many extended family members. He'll be thinking of ALL of his friends and loved ones in Florida and wishing them well on that happy day.

Spencer is an active boy. He loves crawling and putting things in his mouth -- all very normal behavior. He slept through the night for just the third time earlier this week.

We love him so much!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Spencer crawls and has two teeth!

Spencer was teething for at least a month. Then two little teeth popped through! He learned to do the "commando" crawl about a month ago, and for two weeks he has been doing a "proper" crawl. He dislikes sitting still; he loves to squirm. This makes bathtime and changing time a challenge. If he doesn't get his way, he emits a high-pitched squeal -- like that of a piglet. He also can coo and whimper. He desperately wants to learn to walk. He can get into a standing position all by himself and walk from one end of the couch to the other while holding on. He enjoys being around people, and he smiles a lot. Now if only he would sleep through the night ...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Growing up fast!

Our precious boy is getting so big! He can sit by himself. He likes to roll around, too. He is ready to crawl, but he hasn't yet. He likes all of the new foods he tries. Bananas seem to be his favorite. He's been a bit cranky lately. Suspected cause: teething.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy New Year!

Spencer is doing well. He smiles a lot, but as soon as the flash goes off on the camera, he tends to scowl. This photo is the exception. Spencer weighed nearly 16 lbs. at his six-month check up which is normal. His pediatrician had recommended starting him on rice cereal, but he never took to it. Finally we gave up and moved on to pureed carrots. He loved them! But what a mess he made of his clothes -- despite wearing a bib! Later that week he tried peas and sweet potatoes with at least as much enthusiasm. He gets very excited when he sees his special spoon with the extra long handle because he anticipates his delicious meal. He doesn't have any teeth yet, but he checks for them often with his fingers. He also enjoys playing with his toes. He is a special boy who is loved by all. And I do mean ALL. :)